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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long will it take me to complete this?

A: The time completely depends on the task you select. If you are learning a new Web tool or strategy and incorporating it into a unit, and then posting a blog entry,  it may take a month or two. If you decide to flip your classroom, we would expect it to take a year. If you are taking this option for credit, you will want to need to get one project  through Camp 3 before the end of the school year.


Q: When am I “done”?

A: Hopefully, this process is never “done”. Once you attain the top level with one project, we hope you begin with a new task and are constantly learning and improving and modeling for students.


Q: Can I have more than one project going at the same time?

A: Yes. You may be in Camp 1 with several projects or Camp 3 with one and Camp 2 with one, etc. You make those decisions. We just want to see you progressing. If you are taking this option for credit, you will want to need to get one project  through Camp 3 before the end of the school year.


Q: How do I decide what to do?

A: Think about what you would like to improve in your classroom. Which data shows where improvement in teaching practices or student achievement need to occur. This is where you should focus your research, which is what makes this personalized PD. You should work on something that improves instruction and student performance in YOUR classroom! The instructional coaches, guides and technology integration specialists are here to help you.


Q: Why do we do Personalized Learning?

A: Through our staff surveys (Clarity and PD surveys), we have determined that staff like having a choice in their learning which impacts the teaching and learning in their classrooms.  “Effective professional development honors the autonomy of teachers but recognizes the importance of a form of accountability grounded in that autonomy. Both are essential.” - Jim Knight


Q: What are the administrators' expectations?

A: Just as we expect students to improve their skills, teachers and administrators must also move from using researched based strategies and tools to transform learning in their classrooms. 


Q:  How will I have time to do all this?

A: There will be 2 sessions during Nevada PhD to learn about the process and get started in your journey. There are also 8-9  PD mornings set aside for you to work on Climbing the Mountain.  


Q:  What help is available?

A:  Support is available from the Instructional Coaches, Instructional Guides and the Technology Department. A request for their help can be submitted through scheduling time with coaches or the technology integrationists.


Q:  Can I change topics once I begin researching and decide that this project/topic isn’t what I thought it was going to be?

A: You may change topics if you decide that the original topic doesn’t fit your needs and won’t benefit your students learning.


Q: Can I collaborate and work with someone else on a project?

A:  If you find someone who is interested in the same topic, data supports areas of growth for both of you on this topic and you want to work together, that is fine.  All collaborators are responsible for filling out their own progress posts and any other assignments in this course.

Q: When and where and to whom will I give my sharing out for Camp 3?

A:  We will have a district wide sharing out day in May. This will count towards your in-house sharing. You can decide when and where you will present outside of the district, as long as it fits inside to the course term. 


Q:  Is there a time limit for how long the presentations have to be?

A:  You need to make your talk the length you need in order that others have an understanding of your topic and how you implemented your findings in your classroom so that instruction was improved. Guideline 10-15 minutes.

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